Education and Outreach

Educational Activities

  1. A total of nine graduate students have been working on this project as research assistants, including five at Syracuse University: Xiang Sheng, Jing Wang, Teng Li, Zhenhua (Jimmy) Chen and Jielong Xu; and four at Arizona State University: Dejun Yang, Lingjun Li, Xiang Zhang and Ruozhou Yu.
  2. Jian Tang has integrated the research results his graduate course Cloud Computing at Syracuse University. Particularly, he gave a lecture about Sensing as a Service and gave a few related topics as suggested topics for the class project.
  3. Guoliang Xue has incorporated the research results into his graduate courses Optimization with Network Applications and  Game Theory with Network Applications.

Other Activities:

  1. Jian Tang (PI) gave quite a few invited talks at different venues to promote Sensing-as-a-Service (slides), including Hamilton College,  Temple University, IEEE Computer Communications Workshop, Beijing University of Posts and Telecom, University of Waterloo, University at Buffalo, etc.
  2. Jian Tang (PI) delivered an invited talk “Human-centric smartphone sensing and its application in smart buildings” at the Syracuse University – Nanjing University Joint Forum on Smart Buildings in Syracuse, USA.
  3. Guoliang Xue (PI) delivered a keynote speech “Emerging Opportunities and Challenges with Smartphones: Crowdsourcing and User Authentication” at ICNC’2014 .
  4. Guoliang Xue gave invited talks on mobile crowdsourcing and incentive mechanism design at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of Science and Technology of China, Nanjing University, Zhejiang University, and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
  5. A female high-school student was involved in related activities as a summer intern. She learned the basics of auction theory, mobile crowdsourcing and incentive mechanism design; gained some research experience on modeling, analysis and website development; and helped with the ICDCS’2016 paper.